How to activate the security shield feature to lock Facebook profile

How to activate the security shield feature to lock the Facebook profile

How to activate the security shield feature to lock Facebook profile, The Facebook is undoubtedly the most widely used social networking platforms. Whether it's connecting with your acquaintances, browsing or running an online business.

How to activate the security shield feature to lock Facebook profile

Facebook really covers them all. The social media platform has also become an integral part of our lives as we tend to get all the information about our loved ones, friends, family and more through it.

However, despite all these pluses, this also means that it becomes a medium for hackers and watchers. While it can be difficult to find your Facebook account, the new "Shield" feature will do the trick if you really want to protect your profile against prying eyes, and here's how to activate it in simple steps.

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We have all been through this situation when some unwanted people keep searching your profile or even downloading your profile pictures to create fake accounts as well as steal all your personal information. So, in order to curb all that snooping, the company recently introduced a new security feature known as " Lock Facebook Profile ".

This feature allows users to have more control over their personal files. This feature is really useful for those who want to lock their entire profile from strangers or intruders. Once you lock the Facebook profile, only people in your friends list can see and comment on your posts and photos. But unfortunately, that this feature is not yet available in most countries of the world, including Arab countries.

Anyway, in this article we are going to show you an easy and simple trick to show you this feature and lock Facebook profile on your Android or iPhone and through a web browser. So, let's start applying the steps directly.

How to lock Facebook profile entire

There are two ways to lock facebook profile by activating the protection shield feature. The steps are the same on both Android and iPhone devices and the web browser; The simple difference is that it requires you to visit on your iPhone or desktop browser and follow the steps below. 

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First, you have to go to change the language of Facebook to the language of a country that supports this feature to follow the next steps and then return the original language. Press (≡) > then head to Settings > Language > and change the language by selecting Burmese.

From here on you will be given the steps in a language foreign to you, but don't worry! The steps will be simple and fully illustrated with pictures.

Method 1: Click on (≡) > and then click on your profile > and click on the three dots (...) next to your name in your profile > You will now have the option to “Lock Facebook Profile” which you will notice by highlighting the shield shape as shown In Photos> Now lock your profile by pressing the blue rectangle that will appear to you automatically> and then agree to implement the profile lock after you see the shield icon documented with a green tick. Now you can bring back your original language. To see how your profile will appear to non-friends, click on the "View as it appears to others" option. Congratulations, your profile has been successfully locked to strangers.

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The second method, click ( ≡ )> go to Settings> Choose "Lock Profile option" distinctive icon in the form of a shield within the Privacy List <and then follow the same steps in the way the first completely. Once you do these one-time steps, the profile lock option will be automatically added to your profile. Thus, you can unlock or re-lock your profile without having to change the language used.

In the end, you will have lock Facebook profile, and as a result the following happens:

  1. It will significantly reduce the harassment and intrusion on your privacy from non-friends.
  2. Non-friends will not be able to open, share or even upload your profile picture and cover photo.
  3. Restrict non-friends or intruders from seeing all of your profile information.
  4. Do not allow strangers to see your posts or photos.

How to unlock your Facebook profile

You can unlock the Facebook profile by following these steps: First, tap (≡) > Go to Settings > Choose "Profile Locking" option > then tap "Unlock" > and confirm the command By clicking on Unlock your profile, the process will be completed successfully.

today we learn "How to activate the security shield feature to lock Facebook profile", hope you like this article.

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